Sponsor A Child


Sponsor a Child This Holiday Season!

Eliada works hard to make the holidays a special time for the children in our care. You can help bring a smile to their face by fulfilling their holiday wishes!

When you sign up to sponsor a child for the holidays, you’ll receive a Wish List that a young person created. Wish Lists include their favorite things, clothing sizes, and most needed and wanted items. The value of a Wish List is around $200. You can divide that cost with friends, or even sponsor several children.

For most of Eliada’s children and youth, the gifts they receive from sponsors are the only gifts they will get during the holiday season.

To sign up to sponsor, please contact Rebecca Boline by email:

To help children and youth in our programs, contact Tara Campuzano, Eliada’s Director of Development and Tara will assist you in selecting items from these lists.

Eliada’s Top Needs Right Now

Can you help us with one of our biggest needs today?

  1. Play Doh! We go through SO MUCH Play Doh.
  2. Books for kids 0-5 (we can’t use books that have TV or movie characters)
  3. Inexpensive MP3 players that youth can use to listen to music
  4. Washcloths – we are constantly cleaning in Child Development!
  5. Kinetic Sand

Help Kids Living at Eliada

Youth 12-17, living at Eliada are in one of our cottages. They sleep, eat, play, learn, heal, and grow at Eliada. We need basic things for them like sheets, towels, bathroom supplies and more.

Download this list of items we can always use for living here. Can you supply us with some of these items? Click Here

Help Children in Foster Care

Sometimes your first night in a new home is scary and unsettling. Going out for pizza or a burger together can help break the ice and start the getting to know you process on neutral ground.

Help families provide a fun activity for a child their first night in a new home by purchasing gift cards to restaurants.

For a child in Foster Care, they have bounced around, constantly being introduced to new parents and siblings. To help them track their lives, we make sure each child puts together a “life book” of photos and memories for them to take with them no matter what home they are in.

Help children create these books by purchasing scrapbooks and scrap-booking materials!

Children in Foster Care also get sent to a new home without much notice. They need suitcases to help pack up their personal belongings so they don’t get left behind.

Help children maintain their personal items that hold meaning to them by donating suitcases!

Help Kids in the Child Development Center

Kids 0-12 come to Eliada everyday for child care, Pre-K, and after school programming. In the summer, we also have kids here daily for camp. We love to fill our classrooms and playgrounds with engaging toys that help with their development!

Download this list of items that we can always use for kids in child development programs. Can you help us with some of these items?  Click Here

Help Youth Transitioning to Adulthood

Youth aging out of services need help transitioning to adulthood. Some of these young adults have children. They need diapers, wet wipes, diaper rash cream and children’s no tears shampoo!

They are also often moving into their first apartments and need shampoo, body wash, deodorant, laundry detergent, 409 or other non-bleach all-purpose cleaners, toilet paper, paper towels, dish soap (sink and dishwasher versions).

They also are looking for work as they explore their career pathway. They need professional shoes, clothes, winter coats, note pads, flash drives, and more.

Can you help an older youth with any of these items?